Students With Disabilities
Danielle Yarusevich
I have a small group of a students with autism who come to an 8th grade Art class. They come each day as theraphy and socialization. The group comes with an autism aid and each child is pair with another student in class as peer tutor. The tutors will demonstrate and give assisance to the children during class and the autism aid and myself watch and interfer only when needed. One student has been having difficulty adjusting to the noise level of the class. We allow him to step outside the classroom to adjust, which I remind the class of the noise level. He now comes in with padded headphones and places it on his head, with assistance, when becoming overwhelmed and when a few students see this they remind the other classmates on the noise level. Surprisingly he likes the headphones. Another student has a difficulty with speech and expressions but will use a tablet with a program that allows him to choice a picture to a basic question you as him, like his favorite color. It is amazing how my students in my class showed acceptance by talking to them, supporting them, and showing compassion when needed. It has been a wonderful experience for everone involved! |
Tools and Strategies
Danielle Yarusevich
The strategies I use in the classroom are Peer Partners, Sematic Maps and Cubing. I feel using peer partners is very important for the feeling of success in my lessons. It allows each student to not only show what they learn in the project but also explain what they learned using the view and experience of others in the classroom. Therefore if a student missed a fact or particular step or information it is learned from other students. I usually teach art periods through artist of that time. We use Semantic maps for each artist and particular keywords to help the students remember. For example when teaching the artist Leonardo DaVince they would circle his name and branch of the circle by adding words like Renaissance, Mona Lisa, inventor, paintor, ect....The students then has a chance to express what they learned through choicing an a particular piece of the spotlighted artist and use a cubing type of way to critique the piece with a peer as class presentation. Therefore, each student may learn information not realized or taught before. As for technology, I allow students to use the internet to see varies pieces of artwork of the artist studied and allow them to choice the piece they like the most to find further information about the piece and artist. The internet is an excellent tool to allow the students to study the artist not only by their pace but also what interests them which guides me as the teacher to create and modify lesson plans more to the class and individuals. |
Assessment of Learning
Danielle Yarusevich
I love using response card type of review with my students. The response is used in an app called plickers. It works well with all types of students by allowing them to answer a question indepenantly without feeling the pressure of answering allowed with the class, especially students with verbal impairments. Therefore if a student answers incorrectly they are not embarrassed. If the students are visually impaired, I read the question to the class and a peer partner will assist them in holding the plicker to answer. If the student is hearing impaired they can just look at the board and answer on their own. The question is always based on the big idea of the day so it gives me feedback if the students understood. The responses are recorded and it allows me to see which students were incorrect so I can reteach the concept further the next day without other student knowing. |