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Elizabeth Bricknell

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Students with Disabilities

Elizabeth Bricknell
Elizabeth Bricknell
I have several students with Intellectual and Behavioral Disabilities and I find ways to uncover their strengths in the music classroom and make my room a positive space for them. I also have a Gifted student who does not like to perform in any way (singing, dance, instruments) but loves music centers and worksheets. I had a lot of behavior problems from him before we sat and had a one on one discussion on how I can meet his needs in the class. We now have an agreement. He understands that there will be some required performance activities in my class but I have incorporated many tasks that he is able to choose from as an incentive for his positive behavior and participation.
Assessment of Learning

Elizabeth Bricknell
Elizabeth Bricknell
Recently I had a student transfer to my school who is VI. I had to adapt his seat location to be right up front and provide computer-based testing with headphones so that questions could be read aloud to him. This is also part of his IEP accommodations and it was important that I follow the IEP as with his classroom teacher.

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