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Derek Jenkins

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Tools and Strategies

Derek Jenkins
Derek Jenkins
In our 2D/3D art classroom, the Activ Board is used to show visual representations to our SLD students, many of whom are very visual learners. Each day the activities begin with a piece of well known art and the students may interact with the activ board by drawing on it and/or making notes or observations. They also keep a journal and each day add an additional piece. One day they must choose art vocabulary from a visible list in the classroom, another day they must compare and contrast different pieces of art. They must also summarize and critique the art as an art critic would. Some of these we share on the morning news.
Students With Disabilities

Derek Jenkins
Derek Jenkins
Using graphic organizers has helped my sld students greatly. We have been using Thinking Maps and the students have responded nicely. Many of the sld students are visual learners and the thinking maps options allows students to demonstrate their prior knowledge and/or understanding of the content. This tangible evidence of learning allows educators to do many things: differentiate instruction, effective use of grouping, assessment, scaffolding, and accessing prior knowledge.
Assessment of Learning

Derek Jenkins
Derek Jenkins
I love exit tickets. They are effective for determining the students' level of understanding and should guide instruction. I also like learning surveys to see where students are at before designing lesson activities. I think we need to get away with one size fits all models and use tools that allow all students to be sucdessful.

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