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Margit Turner

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Students with Disabilities

Margit Turner
Margit Turner
*Think of a student with a disability you have now, or have had in the past. Identify their disability. Describe the way in which their disability affected their learning. Describe at least one or more ways you successfully accommodated or modified instruction for this student.

The most prevalent disability in my classroom lately has been ASD. The biggest challenges are sensory related, typically tactile. The way materials feel create distress for a few of my students. I have handled this by using a peer partner (when tearing, cutting or gluing), allowing alternate ways to handle the material ( such as wrapping oil pastels in tissue to hold, wearing latex free gloves when painting or using clay) and having alternate materials if we cannot find other solutions.
Tools And Strategies

Margit Turner
Margit Turner
1. Describe how two of the strategies discussed could potentially be implemented in your classroom. Be sure to identify the two strategies by name, and describe how they could be used to address the student's disability.

Contracts - I think this is an excellent way to set a student up for success that may otherwise drift off task. It allows the student independence to go back and determine what is expected, what needs to be accomplished and to track their progress. It also serves as documentation for your records and assists when the student or parent questions the grade they receive.

Graphic Organizers - This is something I already use in my classroom on a regular basis. We will use thinking maps to plan out our activities - they are especially helpful in our planning & brainstorming stages. We utilize different organizers to reflect on our work as well as a method of organizing information when comparing artists and art styles. Like the idea of the contracts, it gives the students a resource to look back at for clarification instead of immediately seeking the teacher for help or simply saying 'I don't know what to do' and stopping all effort to work.
Assessment of Learning

Margit Turner
Margit Turner
Provide/Describe one or more examples of adapted or alternative assessments you have successfully used in the classroom for students with disabilities.

I have found that some students do not want their peers to know that they receive accommodations - extended time is the one I encounter most often - In addition to one on one assistance, I will provide the option to adjust the size of the work they create, this allows them to complete the work at the same time as their peers. The students get involved with their own work that rarely do they realize that others created a finished piece that was smaller or that I may have adjusted requirements. While art is typically very visual, I will also have students verbally discuss the goals of the activity to demonstrate understanding. The art room allows opportunities for success in ways that may not be as easily possible in academic rooms.

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