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Suzi Lambert

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Students with Disabilities

Suzi Lambert
Suzi Lambert
I recently had a student who struggled in music theory class with processing and retaining information. I found creating and implementing manipulatives while learning to spell scales, intervals and triads allowed opportunity for practice individually and in collaborative pairs. As a teacher I was able to clearly indentify where a learning glitch occurred and provide instant feedback and correction in processing the information.
Tools and Strategies

Suzi Lambert
Suzi Lambert
Music Technology is becoming more relevant and effective to the needs of my music students. Musictheory.net is a resource I consistently use in Vocal Techniques and Music Theory Classes to provided additional guided practice in music theory fundamentals. Students are able to access computers in the classroom, on their home computer, and via cell phone app. This resource is also an effective for assessment for individual and collaborative learning.
Assessment of Learning

Suzi Lambert
Suzi Lambert
On-going assessment is critical to the success of my Music Theory II students. I incorporate a variety of formative assessments to encourage students to follow the rules and effective practices of four-part (SATB) writing. While an independent assessment, is the most effective tool for analyzing the student success rate, collaboration in pairs and small groups can promote a positive learning experience, promote evaluative skills. It is critical collaborative opportunities be planned with attention to personalities, balanced skill-set and supportive environment.

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