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Elizabeth Olson

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Students with Disabilities

Elizabeth Olson
Elizabeth Olson
I currently have a student who has an emotional and behavioral disorder. He struggles to stay focused in music. I have found that pairing him with a student who needs help with instruments is encouraging for him. We found out that he loves drums, so we speak to his interests and allow him to take ownership in his strengths.
Tools and Strategies

Elizabeth Olson
Elizabeth Olson
I have used iPad technology in my classes to assist students with physical disabilities. While learning about the blues and improvisation, students were given an iPad with the programs GarageBand and ThumbJam. I was able to set up the chord progression in garageband so students could play the chord progression with one finger. I also placed the chords in the correct order of the progression. ThumbJam was used by setting the scale to pentatonic and allowing students to improvise with their choice of instrument sound. Both apps provide opportunities for students to explore instrument sounds, improvisation, and stylistic exploration with only one finger or tool.
Assessment of Learning

Elizabeth Olson
Elizabeth Olson
I deliver a formal assessment every 9 weeks. During this whole-class assessment, most students will show their answer by holding up a colored popsicle stick after the selected amount of time. For students who have needed more time, I gave them the option of taking a written version of the test so that they could work at their own pace. This allowed for the student to read and understand the questions in their own time, as well as complete the answer in their own time. As we finish the whole-class portion, students still working on the written option can continue to work as the rest of the class receives another quiet activity.

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