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Bill Molineaux

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Tools and Strategies

Bill Molineaux
Bill Molineaux
I have used technology when assessing students. I have had students that their IEPs say they can record responses to assessments. I allow them to send me recordings of their performance tasks, or record them using their onenote online that only I have access too. Sometimes the technology doesn't always work, so I will put them in a room with a recording studio and guide them along. Then I can listen back right away.
Tools and Strategies

Bill Molineaux
Bill Molineaux
Graphic Organizers can be used by students in ensembles to learn multiple key terms in a broad topic. For instance, the main idea is "dynamics" and the bubbles coming out of the central topic are the various dynamics we use in our ensembles.

I have used Mnemonic devices quite a bit when teaching theory. Not just for learning note names in treble and bass clef, but also for the order of flats and sharps. Also how to form triads and chords. These work great for all learners, but especially for diverse learners.
Assessment of Learning

Bill Molineaux
Bill Molineaux
I had a student who, due to carpal tunnel and other wrist issues, couldn't play for quite a while. I gave the student various alternate assignments to make up for the performance work the student couldn't perform. These included theory assignments related to our music, as well as small research items based on the music we were performing. I also had a theory student who was on hospital home-bound in my theory class. She was allowed to do the work and assessments at her own pace. The only issue was the ear training exams and sight-singing. I would record the ear training tests and provide the hospital home-bound teacher with and answer key. For sight-singing, the student's mom was able to bring her in once a quarter to complete the assignments.

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