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Students with Disabilities

Monty Musgrave
Monty Musgrave
I have taught students with a variety of disabilities throughout my teaching career. The severity of their disability correlated with their ability to be immediately successful. I learned through experience and through consultations with experts that their chance for success increased with the appropriate modifications. It taught me that all children are deserving of a music education on a level that permits them to experience success and enjoyment. Soemtimes it was as simple as giving them more time to complete a task; sometimes it required modifying music to their level of understanding.
edited by Musgrave82 on 7/15/2016
Tools and Strategies

Monty Musgrave
Monty Musgrave
Two strategies:
1 - Mnemonic instruction used to aid students with processing or memorization challenges.
2 - Task analysis used to help students break large tasks into smaller ones
Assessment of Learning

Monty Musgrave
Monty Musgrave
Recorded playing assessments (in lieu of live assessments) has been a toll I have used many times, and has been very successful for students requiring additional time.

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