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Carlois Mirpuri

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Assessment of Learning

Carlois Mirpuri
Carlois Mirpuri
I had a student in my Culinary Arts class that had hearing loss. He did have a piece of technology that would amplify my voice and he would give me a handset to it daily. If I needed to communicate with him, I could turn it on and it would directly amplify my voice directly to him only. The student was reluctant to use the device so I had to consistently be firm in his usage of it. Teaching this student visually and through written text was very successful. I would not only demonstrate the labs but I would also show a video to review the procedures. I would also use a quick written formative assessment to make sure that the student grasped the key instructions that would insure a successful lab and product. I would also chunk up the lab and give him specific tasks that he needed to complete on a workflow chart so that he was able to work as a team player. During the lab, I would go to his lab so I was accessible for any questions and I could offer suggestions without either of us having to speak loudly. Afterwards, I would conference with the student using his hearing device to critique the product and his contribution to the project. The student was also able to do a written critique of his lab work and analyze the product his team produced against a rubric that described a standard product. The student responded very well to this approach.
Tools and Strategies

Carlois Mirpuri
Carlois Mirpuri
I had a student who struggled with eye-hand coordination and therefore taking notes was a very difficult and generally the outcome was illegible. The student received his own iPad so that he as able to type his notes and the iPad also had wireless connection to my printer. Therefore, he not only was able to take legible notes but was also able to print evidence of his notes. This also allowed him to keep a hard copy for himself. The school required the iPad to stay at school. so the hard copies also gave him something to study from at home. The student was relieved of a lot of anxiety, because access to this technology enabled him to be a fully functioning student in the classroom without fear of failure or falling behind.
Assessment of Learning

Carlois Mirpuri
Carlois Mirpuri
In one class where the students were being asked to draft a floor plan of a restaurant, I knew the final project was too difficult for some of my students with learning disabilities. The alternative assignment/assessment was to give the a box of legos and a large counter top where they could construct a restaurant in 3-D and it was possible to leave their work intact from one day to the next until they completed the assignment. The students were allowed to work as teams. During the project I would go to this lab and ask them questions to help them determine if they were meeting the requirements of the assignment. Afterwards, I did a verbal critique of their project using a rubric as a guideline. The students were also able to present their project to the whole class which was received very well by their peers. The students loved their final project and were thrilled to be able to fully participate in a final assessment without stress and anxiety.

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