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Tracy Messina

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Tools and Strategies

Tracy Messina
Tracy Messina
I have used the Yamaha Keyboard to meet the needs of my students. I had one student who was hearing impaired. He had never used a keyboard before. He thought he couldn't use it becasue of his disability. He found out he can put the headphones on right over his hearing aids and was able to learn how to play several songs on the keyboard using the letter names.
I have also used the keyboard to enhance a musically gifted student. I was teaching him since he was in the first grade. He even played several times at our school piano recital. He now has become a professional accompanist. While other students were learning the songs of the day on the keyboard I would have him bring his music that he was working on to class and use his keyboard time to practice. The students in the class enjoyed hearing him play and that gave the other students motivation to keep practicing.
Students with Disabilities

Tracy Messina
Tracy Messina
This past year I had a student with autism. He was a high functioning student. He is in the second grade. I had done a lesson on matching what rhythm I played using a set of rhythms I gave each group of students. I did not put this student in a group because I know he works well by himself not close to other students who might want to look and see what answer he had. This was very successful for him. On a side note when it was time for standard state testing his teacher had a 504 plan for him to take the test by himself and needed a place for him to learn while his class was testing. When asked what subject/teacher do you feel most comfortable with he said me. The teacher sent him a packet of work and he was great.
Assessment of Learning

Tracy Messina
Tracy Messina
A few years ago I had a student with a hearing disability. He was in the fifth grade. He loved music so much and could feel the beat when the music was played made my african drumming ensemble that year. Anyway it was the end of the year fifth grade county music test that is done on the computer. His teacher said he didn't have to take the music test because of his disability. He had an interrpreter with him at all times. I knew since he did so great hearing the beats I would ask his parents if it would be alright for him to take the test. The parents thought it was a great idea. He took the test with his peers but got to sit right next to the stereo so he could feel the beats. The interpretor was told not to help him with the answers just to sign the questions to him. After the test was complete his class cheered for him. He had a smile from ear to ear. He did get to take the test with his peers even though he had a hearing loss disability.

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